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Active Free Stuff Blog

A free stuff blog discussing about the latest development in the world of free stuff!

Entries for November, 2011

James Barton Interview - Just Free Stuff

1. Who are we speaking to today? My name is James Barton and I run the site 2. When did you first started with this free stuff site? I started the website back in 1997 3. What sparked your interest? I saw a website that was giving away free computers! They would give you [...]

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Playing Video Poker Free

A while back, while watching Rounders, i got interested in the game of poker. Seeing as to how i am an IT guy, i am going to talk about video poker, and how it has led me to some days of excitement and thrill. I would like to make a statement though, and that is [...]

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Video Testimonial - Free Stuff Site Review

Press play below to see what this cute and pretty girl is saying about our site today! This video was received after we did a promotion for the webmistress regarding Box Break site.

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Free Stuff Sites VS Free Stuff Blogs

As per my last post, i applauded the emergence of free stuff blogs, but is free stuff site or blog a better choice for freebies online? Today, i am going to touch on that! Free stuff blogs are a on a rising trend since 2005. They are unlike traditional free stuff sites that list out [...]

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Complex Or Simple Design Better For Free Stuff Sites?

Is it better for a free stuff site to have a simple or complex design? Well, based on statistics, complex designs for free stuff sites tend to fare better then a free stuff site that is designed simpler. Well, if you are an experienced free stuff hunter, then you should know some pretty big major [...]

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