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Active Free Stuff Blog

A free stuff blog discussing about the latest development in the world of free stuff!

Entries for October, 2011

Free Stuff Pitfalls - Safeguard Your Personal Info

Do you love free stuff but find that all you get are annoying phone calls and emails? Today, I am going to touch on certain things to avoid when requesting for free stuff online! Learn to protect yourself with these useful tips and never be deceived 95% of the time (we can’t be 100% sure [...]

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Who Get Free Stuff More, Guys Or Girls?

Today, i wishes to discuss a topic i myself find rather interesting. In today’s world, which gender get more free stuff, man, or woman? Well, men get certain free opportunities and experience that women can never get, but women on the other hand, go through things that we never will. This whole post will be from my own retrospect [...]

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5 Real Free Stuff Sites You Can Trust

Since this is my maiden post, i want it to be as impactful as possible. So, for my first post, i am going to recommend you 5 free stuff sites that you can trust and use =) 1. Http:// The number of fans at this site speaks volume about how great the site is in [...]

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