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Active Free Stuff Blog

A free stuff blog discussing about the latest development in the world of free stuff!

Entries for the ‘Free Stuff Discussions’ Category

A New Year, Fresh Start For Freebies?

With the year going into 2012, i would like to conclude everything that has happened for the free stuff community in the year 2011. 1. The Rise Of Free Stuff Blogs This trend is particularly alarming. It seems that everyone is going into free stuff for its market potential. But the funny thing is: there [...]

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Free Stuff Sites VS Free Stuff Blogs

As per my last post, i applauded the emergence of free stuff blogs, but is free stuff site or blog a better choice for freebies online? Today, i am going to touch on that! Free stuff blogs are a on a rising trend since 2005. They are unlike traditional free stuff sites that list out [...]

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Complex Or Simple Design Better For Free Stuff Sites?

Is it better for a free stuff site to have a simple or complex design? Well, based on statistics, complex designs for free stuff sites tend to fare better then a free stuff site that is designed simpler. Well, if you are an experienced free stuff hunter, then you should know some pretty big major [...]

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Who Get Free Stuff More, Guys Or Girls?

Today, i wishes to discuss a topic i myself find rather interesting. In today’s world, which gender get more free stuff, man, or woman? Well, men get certain free opportunities and experience that women can never get, but women on the other hand, go through things that we never will. This whole post will be from my own retrospect [...]

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