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Active Free Stuff Blog

A free stuff blog discussing about the latest development in the world of free stuff!

Entries for the ‘Interviews’ Category

Grimm’s Interview - Totally Free Crap

1. Who are we speaking to today? (Brief introduction of yourself, the site you managed etc) I am Grimm, the webmaster, founder and owner of I built the site for a fun hobby while I work way too many hours in the real world. 2. When did you first started with this free stuff [...]

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James Barton Interview - Just Free Stuff

1. Who are we speaking to today? My name is James Barton and I run the site 2. When did you first started with this free stuff site? I started the website back in 1997 3. What sparked your interest? I saw a website that was giving away free computers! They would give you [...]

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